lyrics by Jackson Dawes
I was in a bad car accident last October 100 percent the other guys fault but I was t-boned at an intersection and suffered head, neck and foot trauma including the inability to remember my date of birth or my name when asked at the ER. Don't take drugs unless you plan to make it a habit Once in a while doesn't seem to work so well. Before I was discharged on my shiny aluminum crutches the doctor told me that my body was still in shock but the next day the day after any major auto accident can be extraordinarily painful They wrote me a script for Oxycodone or Hydrocodone or something and sent me home. The next day did indeed hurt, and I missed two days of work in all I never took the pills. I don't like pills I don't like any medication. Especially the ones I'm legally required to take However, last night I woke up at about 4:30 AM. My right arm was in such exquisite pain that it was hard to think straight. Either I slept on it in a really, unusually painful, brand new manner or the cat went to sleep on it. The pain, coupled with the confusion of waking up at 4:30 AM in horrific pain got me out of bed and toward the medicine cabinet for an Advil which I take perhaps twice a year I'm serious, it really hurt. Instead I went to my dresser, and reached in the back and found the Oxycodone and a full bottle of Xanax that had expired in December of 2011. I dry-swallowed a bunch of it Don't take drugs unless you plan to make it a habit Once in a while doesn't seem to work so well. I went outside, and smoked two cigarettes and then I went back in my apartment stripped off my clothes and went to sleep What happened next is a second-hand recollection I was not present for this. I will say that my boyfriend doesn't lie and I generally trust him to give an accurate picture of events Apparently, it had appeared that I had died in my sleep. He lifted my eyelids, yelled in my ear I am a deep sleeper, in fairness Eventually, I reached some form of consciousness I slowly got out of bed, fell, got up and fell again. I put on a Black Power t-shirt, no pants and one whitewater rafting shoe and headed for the door. I took my keys and put them in my pocket since I had forgotten my pants, they simply slid down my leg, forgotten This is all second-hand, remember So don't take drugs unless you plan to make it a habit Once in a while doesn't seem to work so well. I woke up about a quarter to one. I was sitting in a chair in the auditorium at Albert Einstein Hospital in the Bronx watching a slideshow about cervix dilation No idea how I got there.