Lyrics by Sarah Herrera

Three of us went to this pool hall in the hood
A little scared to go in but we figured we would
Maybe other whites have been there but I kinda doubt it
And they stared at me like I walked in wearing a fairy outfit

Nine ball in the hood made me kinda nervous
The scene was like something out of Anthony Burgess
They pulled up chairs and started to watch
I tried to break but it was a total botch

Nobody spoke English, I didn't even take out my cue
Bad Latin salsa music, and there was nothing we could do
A song came on, ahhh this is my jam, my buddy said
I cracked up so much I think I banged my head

Yeah, I peed my pants a little. So what of it?

Some of these guys really looked pretty hard
Shooting in front of them left me mentally scarred
Nobody spoke English, the patrons or the staff
But this is my jam was still making me laugh

This place was rough and I never took out my cue
Cheesy Mexican salsa, nothing we could do
But then, this is my jam, my buddy said
I laughed so hard I think I actually bled

After all of that, it turned out they were pretty cool
Not a terrible place to go and shoot some pool
We made it out of there and didn't get jumped in the parking lot
Still laughing today and I missed almost every shot

One Through Thirteen