lyrics by Jackson Dawes
Coffee I love you, my head's starting to ache You're the reason I function, the reason I shake. From dawn till dusk, you keep me going strong A caffeine fix, gimme gimme gimme all day long Thanks to Colombia for my second favorite substance I drink so much coffee, I can't even balance I"ll even drink decaf if there's nothing else I"m thinking my plasma is half Chock Full of Nuts Aroma fills the air, a tempting scent, I"d like to cut my heart open and insert a coffee stent With every sip, a jolt of life, a surge of power I"d like to rig something up and take a coffee shower. Coffee, oh coffee, how I love thee so A cup in my hand, or straight from the pot Sometimes I just stick my head under the Keurig If I forget to pay my water bill, I"ll just eat the grounds Coffee, oh coffee, how I love thee so A cup in my hand, or just straight from the pot Sometimes I just stick my head under the Keurig If I forget to pay my water bill, I"ll just eat the grounds They say too much is bad, too much caffeine to bear Espresso, Capuccino, Latte, I dont care You"re my muse, my inspiration, my daily delight, Give me my frigging coffee or you're in for a fight