Sarah Herrera

Bass, Vocals

If you came here just to ogle Sarah, go to her website, not ours

Noodle Girl is a force of nature in the world of bass guitar. Don't let the playful moniker fool you; behind that brightly colored instrument and infectious grin lies a musician of formidable skill and unwavering dedication.

Sarah earned her nickname "Noodle Girl" during her teenage years, when her fingers would dance across the fretboard with the fluidity and dexterity of, well, noodles. Growing up in a bustling Vietnamese household in Los Angeles, she was surrounded by music. Traditional folk songs, her older brother's thrash metal, the smooth sounds of Motown leaking from her father's car radio – these diverse influences shaped her musical vocabulary.

Her nickname actually comes from being forced to eat Ramen noodles for the last 6 or 7 years.

She also slept with the head of Arista Records. Really helped us out.